
MDR Sachsen-Anhalt - Podcast on AI


Künstliche Intelligenz: Wo Sachsen-Anhalt mitspielt und warum sie uns so philosophisch macht

Sanaz has been giving some insight into the research at SwarmLab:

Screenshot 2018-11-09 at 11.29.03.png




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ANTS Conference 2018

30.11.-1 -

Palina, Sebastian and Christoph attended the ANTS 2018 conference in Rome and presented two papers:


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Hemant Singh Visited SwarmLab

04.10.2018 -

Dr. Hemant Singh from University of New South Wales (Canberra, Australia) visited SwarmLab and gave a talk about

Development of evolutionary computation methods for multi-objective design optimization and decision-making



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Flight experiment

28.09.2018 -

Today we performed the first of a series of fully autonomous outdoor Swarm Flight experiments. Too strong wind and lots of new unexpected features were challenging for our micro-robots. Some impressions from today:






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Dissertation Defense Christian Braune


Christian Braune has successfully defended his dissertation "Skeleton-based Validation for Density-based Clustering".

We would like to thank the external committee memebrs Prof. Marie-Jeanne Lesot (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris) and Prof. Richard Weber (Universidad de Chile, Chile) who travel all the way to Magdeburg for this event.



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Research visit Doshisha University Kyoto

19.07.2018 -

In July, Sanaz and Heiner visited the Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan. During this visit we had very constructive exchange with professor Tomo Hiroyasu and his lab members.  Michael Mera, our Master student who is currently working there, gave a talk about his master thesis. 






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Prof. Rudolf Kruse received the IEEE CIS Pioneer Award

11.07.2018 -

Professor Rudolf Kruse received the IEEE CIS Pioneer Award for his works on Fuzzy Systems in the award ceremony which took place at IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI) on 11th July in Rio de Janeiro.

Hohe Auszeichnung für Magdeburger Informatiker 

Rudolf Kruse, Professor an der Fakultät für Informatik der OVGU Magdeburg, wurde auf dem IEEE World Congress on Computational  Intelligence in Rio de Janeiro vor 1500 Tagungsteilnehmern der renommierte Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award überreicht.   Das Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) ist der weltweit größte Berufsverband von Ingenieuren aus den Bereichen Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik.  Ein Pioneer Award gehört zu den höchsten Auszeichnungen der IEEE. 

Mit dem Fuzzy Systems Pioneer  werden seit dem Jahr 2000 frühe Konzepte und nachhaltige Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Fuzzy-Systeme gewürdigt. Fuzzy Methoden erlauben die computergestützte Handhabung von impräzisen und unsicheren Informationen.  Kruse erhielt die  Auszeichnung  für die „Entwicklung von Lernverfahren für Fuzzy-Systeme in Theorie und Anwendungen“.    Fuzzy Systeme gehören wie Künstliche Neuronale Netze, Evolutionäre Algorithmen und Schwarmintelligenz zu den naturanalogen Verfahren und werden  unter dem plakativen Begriff computational intelligence (CI) zusammengefasst.  Kruse entwickelt auch nach seiner Emeritierung weiterhin Assistenzsysteme mit Hilfe von CI-Methoden.


Kruse Rio 2018.jpg



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RoboCup WorldCup 2018 - Montreal

30.11.-1 -

RoboCup WorldCup 2018

Back from the worldCup and our team got the 4th place :-) 





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Mitglied Digitalisierungsbeirat des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt

18.06.2018 -

Sanaz is appointed as the member of the advisory board on digitalization by the Ministry of Economy, Science and Digitalization, State Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany:




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DAAD research visit to Australia

15.05.2018 -

Christoph and Sanaz visitied the university of New South Wales in Canberra in May 2018. This research visit was financially supported by DAAD.



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Our paper featured in IEEE CIS Research Frontier

03.05.2018 -

Our recently published journal article is selected as the research frontier article at IEEE CIS Newsletter May 2018 --> LINK


picture from IEEE CIS

More information including source codes can be found here:

  • Heiner Zille, Hisao Ishibuchi, Sanaz Mostaghim and Yusuke Nojima
  • A Framework for Large-scale Multi-objective Optimization based on Problem Transformation (Download) (Supplement Material) (Sourcecode
  • IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 22, Issue 2, pp. 260-275, April 2018. --> Link


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3rd Place at GermanOpen 2018

29.04.2018 -

Our RoboCup Team got the third place at the GermanOpen 2018:




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RoboCup Team in City Hall

26.02.2018 -

The mayor of city Magdeburg, Dr. Lutz Trümper, invited the team and honoured their achievement at the WorldCup 2017 in Japan where we got the second place:




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New videos of fully autonomous RollingSwarm Spheros

13.02.2018 -

Take a look at the new videos of our RollingSwarm Spheros - impressive results :-) 



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PhD Defense Christoph Steup

31.01.2018 -

Today Christoph Steup defended his PhD thesis. A great day to celebrate a great academic achievement! 


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Doktorandentag 2018

30.01.2018 -

Heiner successfully presented his PhD topic at the Doktorandentag 2018 and received the award for the best presentation. Congratulations!


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Newest video of fully autonomous indoor hovering

21.11.2017 -

Look at our newest video of fully autonomous and stable indoor hovering without positioning system: 



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Gender X Informatik Workshop

The Chair of Computational Intelligence is the official partner at the Gender X Informatik Project, which is being funded by the ministry of science (BMBF). The goal of this project is to study the influence of the research in computer science on the society and particularly on the gender relevant issues. The first workshop (in Magdeburg) will be organized on 14th December: 


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Keynote at SEAL 2017

10.11.2017 -

Sanaz gave a keynote speech about Multi-Criteria Optimization and Decision Making in Dynamic Environments at the 11th International Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning which took place at SUSTech (Southern University of Science and Technology of China) in Shenzhen China.  




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