CIG 2014
01.09.2014 - Xenija Neufeld won the second place at the student video competition at CIG 2014. Here is a link to Xenija's video for human-like bot competition:
Her program got the fourth place in the competition, which can pass the Turing test with 35.7%:
There were three teams present at the CIG 2014: left to right (Spain, South Korea, Germany, Spain)
Thanks to FaRaFIN for their great support!
Softwareprojekt in Summer 2014
08.08.2014 - July 2014: Our students demonstrated the result of their software project about Swarm Intelligence with Kuka-YouBots, which was held together with IVS-EuK.
Here are a group picture and a video:
Competition at CIG 2014
15.07.2014 - Xenija is attending the competition Human-like Bots at CIG 2014: Results will be announced on Friday 29th August 2014.
Kinder Uni 2014
15.07.2015 - On June 14th, Sanaz gave a lecture about "swarm intelligence" at the Kinder-Uni for 8 to 12 years old children. More than 400 children attended the lecture. Here are some pictures:
Inaugural lecture
05.02.2014 - Sanaz gave her inaugural lecture on February 5th, 2014. The title of her talk was "Schwarmintelligenz: Wie einfache Regeln Großes möglich machen - Theorie und technische Umsetzung" (Swarm Intelligence: Simple rules with large effects - theory and technical application).