
Dr.-Ing. Christoph Steup
Chair of Computational Intelligence
Christoph Steup is a Post-Doc and project manager at the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg. He studied computer science with an emphasis on electrical engineering in Magdeburg and at the KTH in Sweden. After receiving his diploma, he started working on Wireless Sensor Networks and Distributed Robotics in 2011 and published papers in the field of distributed sensing, time synchronization in WSN and efficient programming of embedded devices. Apart from his research he supervises student teams entering competitions in the RoboCup and the Carolo Cup. He finished is Ph.D in 2018 and is now handling the theoretical and practical swarm robotics research in the "SwarmLab" of the Otto-von-Guericke University. In the lab he works on locomotion, self-organization, distributed sensing and distributed behaviour of swarms of air and ground robots.
- 2019 - 2020 Interim Professor for Artificial Intelligence at University of Applied Science Anhalt
- 2015 - Researcher at the CI Group at OvGU
- 2013 - 2018 Dissertation: "Abstract Sensor Event Processing to Achieve Dynamic Compositon of Cyber-Physical Systems"
- 2011 - 2015 Researcher at the EOS Group at OvGU
- 2004 - 2011 Studies of Computer Science with Emphasis on Sensor Processing and Embedded Systems
- Eva Röper, Jens Weise, Christoph Steup and Sanaz Mostaghim
- Innovization for Route Planning Applied to an Uber Movement Speeds Dataset for Berlin
- In: Affenzeller, M., et al. Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVIII. PPSN 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15151. Springer, Cham.
- Dominik Weikert, Christoph Steup, Sanaz Mostaghim
- Adverse Weather Benchmark Dataset for LiDAR-based 3D Object Recognition and Segmentation in Autonomous Driving
- 2024 IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI), Singapore, Singapore, 2024, pp. 125-126, doi: 10.1109/CAI59869.2024.00031
- Lukas Bostelmann-Arp, Christoph Steup and Sanaz Mostaghim
- Free-Form Coverage Path Planning of Quadcopter Swarms for Search and Rescue Missions using Multi-Objective Optimization
- 2024 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Yokohama, Japan, 2024, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/CEC60901.2024.10611984
- Adrian Köring and Christoph Steup
- PyramidEnsemble: Joining Large and Small Models
- 2023 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Mexico City, Mexico, 2023, pp. 689-694, doi: 10.1109/SSCI52147.2023.10371902.
- Lukas Bostelmann-Arp, Christoph Steup and Sanaz Mostaghim
- Linking Field Decomposition and Coverage Path Planning: A Coevolution Approach
- 2023 IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI), Santa Clara, CA, USA, 2023, pp. 294-295, doi:
- Lukas Bostelmann-Arp, Christoph Steup and Sanaz Mostaghim
- Multi-Objective Seed Curve Optimization for Coverage Path Planning in Precision Farming
- In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1312–1320.
- Dominik Weikert, Christoph Steup and Sanaz Mostaghim
- Multi-Objective Task Allocation Algorithms for IoT Networks
- Sensors 2023, 23(1), 142;
- Dominik Weikert, Christoph Steup, and Sanaz Mostaghim
- Availability-aware Multi-Objective Task Allocation Algorithm for Internet-of-Things Networks
- in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 15, pp. 12945-12953, 1 Aug.1, 2022, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3170482.
- Dominik Weikert, Christoph Steup, and Sanaz Mostaghim
- Multi-Objective Task Allocation for Dynamic IoT Networks
- COINS 22: IEEE International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent Systems, doi: 10.1109/COINS54846.2022.9854949.
- Dominik Weikert, Christoph Steup and Sanaz Mostaghim
- Surrogate Models for IoT Task Allocation Optimization
- GECCO '22: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion,July 2022,
- Julia Reuter, Christoph Steup and Sanaz Mostaghim
- Genetic Programming-Based Inverse Kinematics for Robotic Manipulators
- In: Medvet, E., Pappa, G., Xue, B. (eds) Genetic Programming. EuroGP 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13223. Springer, Cham, 2022
- Christoph Steup, Jonathan Beckhaus and Sanaz Mostaghim
- A Single Copter UWB-Ranging-based Localization System Extendable for a Swarm of Drones
- Drones 2021, 5, 85.> Link
- Dominik Weikert, Christoph Steup, David Atienza and Sanaz Mostaghim
- Mobility-Aware Multi-Objective Task Allocation for Wireless Sensor Networks
- In the Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Orlando, USA, 2021, doi: 10.1109/SSCI50451.2021.9660109
- Christoph Steup, Simon Parlow, Sebastian Mai and Sanaz Mostaghim
- Generic Component-based Mission-centric Energy Model for Micro-scale Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Drones, 4(4), 63, September 2020. Open Access --> Link
- Dominik Weikert, Christoph Steup and Sanaz Mostaghim
- Multi-Objective Task Allocation for Wireless Sensor Networks
- In the proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Canberra, Australia, 2020, pp. 181-188, doi: 10.1109/SSCI47803.2020.9308345 --> Link
- Dominik Weikert, Christoph Steup, Sanaz Mostaghim
- Enhancing Resilience in IoT Networks using OrganicComputing: Challenges and Requirements
- In: Reussner, R. H., Koziolek, A. & Heinrich, R. (Hrsg.), INFORMATIK 2020. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn. (S. 1205-1214). DOI: 10.18420/inf2020_112
- Kim Hartmann, Christoph Steup
- Hacking the AI - The Next Generation of Hijacked Systems
- In Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon), pages 327 - 349, CCDCOE, 2020
- Sebastian Mai, Heiner Zille, Christoph Steup, and Sanaz Mostaghim
- Multi-objective collective search and movement-based metrics in swarm robotics
- In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO), pages 387–388. ACM, 2019
- Sebastian Mai, Heiner Zille, Christoph Steup, and Sanaz Mostaghim
- Online optimization of movement cost for robotic applications of pso
- In EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 11804, pages 699–711. Springer, September 2019
- Sebastian Mai, Christoph Steup, and Sanaz Mostaghim
- Movement-based localisation for pso-inspired search behaviour of robotic swarms
- In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Swarm intelligence (ANTS), volume 11172, pages 431–432, Rome, Italy, October 2018. Springer
- Sebastian Mai, Christoph Steup, and Sanaz Mostaghim
- Simultaneous localisation and optimisation for swarm robotics
- In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), pages 1998–2004, Bangalore, India, November 2018. IEEE
- Lukas Hoyer, Christoph Steup, and Sanaz Mostaghim
- A robot localization framework using cnns for object detection and pose estimation
- In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), pages 1388–1395, Bangalore, India, November 2018. IEEE
- Sanaz Mostaghim, Christoph Steup, and Heiner Zille
- Multi-objective distance minimization problems and its application in technical systems
- at - Automatisierungstechnik, 66(11):964–974, nov 2018
- Sanaz Mostaghim and Christoph Steup
- Collective search in unknown dynamic environments using mavs
- In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Workshop: Robot Teammates Operating in Dynamic, Unstructured Environments (RT-DUNE), Brisbane, Australien, May 2018. IEEE
Christoph Steup, Sanaz Mostaghim, Lukas Mäurer, and Vladimir Velinov
- Mixed- Reality Simulation Environment for a Swarm of Autonomous Indoor Quadcopter
- In Proceedings of Rotorcraft Virtual Engineering Conference, Liverpool, November 2016. Royal Aeronautical Society
- Sanaz Mostaghim, Christoph Steup, and Fabian Witt
- Energy Aware Particle Swarm Optimization as Search Mechanism for Aerial Micro-robots
- In Proceedings of the IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium. IEEE, December 2016
- Christoph Steup, Sanaz Mostaghim, and Sebastian Mai
- Evaluation Platform for Micro Aerial Indoor Swarm Robotics
- Technical Report FIN-003-2016, Otto-von- Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany, 2016
- Sebastian Zug, Stefan Wilske, Christoph Steup, and Arndt Lüder
- Online Evaluation of Manipulation Tasks for Mobile Robots in Industry 4.0 Scenarios
- In Proceedings of 20th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), pages 181–187, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, September 2015. IEEE
- Sebastian Zug, André Dietrich, Christoph Steup, and Jörg Kaiser
- Adaptive Environment Perception in Cyber-physical Systems
- SIGBED, 12(3):14–18, 2015
- Martin Seidel, Sebastian Zug, Christoph Steup, and Jörg Kaiser
- Variabler Ausführungskontext von kooperativen Anwendungen für Multi-Roboter-Systeme (VORAUS)
- In Forschung vernetzen - Innovation beschleunigen: 16. Forschungskolloquium am Fraunhofer IFF, pages 36–41, Magdeburg, Germany, 2015
- Christoph Steup, Sebastian Zug, and Jörg Kaiser
- Evaluation of an Uncertainty Aware Hybrid Clock Synchronisation System for Wireless Sensor Networks
- International Journal on Advances in Networks and Services, 8(1&2):54–68, 2015
- Christoph Steup, Sebastian Zug, Jörg Kaiser, and Andy Bruehan
- Uncertainty Aware Hybrid Clock Synchronisation in Wireless Sensor Networks
- In Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Ser- vices and Technologies (UBICOMM). IARIA, July 2014
- Sebastian Zug, Christoph Steup, Julian B. Scholle, Christian Berger, Olaf Landsie- del, Fabian Schuldt, Jens Rieken, Richard Matthaei, and Thomas Form
- Technical evaluation of the Carolo-Cup 2014 - a competition for self-driving miniature cars
- In In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE), pages 16–18, Timisoara, Romania, October 2014. IEEE
- Kim Hartmann and Christoph Steup.
- The vulnerability of uavs to cyber attacks - an approach to the risk assessment
- 5th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CYCON 2013), pages 1–23, 2013.
- Jörg Kaiser, José Rufino, Christoph Steup, Tino Brade, Jeferson Souza, Rui Caldeira, and André Guerreiro.
- Working prototype of adaptive middleware
- Technical Report D3.3, European Commission 7th Framework Program - ICT, December 2013.
- Sebastian Zug, André Dietrich, Christoph Steup, Tino Brade, and Thomas Petig
- Phase optimization for control/fusion applications in dynamically composed sensor networks
- In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE), Washington, DC, USA, 2013. IEEE Computer Society
- Michael Schiefer, Christoph Steup, and Jörg Kaiser
- Real World Testing of Aggregation in Publish/Subscribe Systems
- In Proceedings of Wireless Information Networks and Systems (WINSYS), pages 1–8, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 2013. IEEE
- Christoph Steup, Sebastian Zug, and Jo ̈rg Kaiser
- Achieving Cooperative Sensing in Automotive Scenarios through Complex Event Processing
- In Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM), Porto, Portugal, July 2013. IARIA
- Christian Berger, Erik Dahlgren, Johan Grunden, Daniel Gunnarson, Nadia Holtryd, Anmar Khazal, Mohamed Mustafa, Marina Papatriantafilou, Elad Michael Schiller, Christoph Steup, Viktor Swantesson, and Philippas Tsigas
- Bridging Physical and Digital Traffic System Simulations with the Gulliver Test-Bed
- In International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles, pages 169–184, Lille, France, 2013
- Kim Hartmann and Christoph Steup
- Natural privacy preservation protocol for electronic mail
- In 4th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon), pages 1–17, Tallinn, Estonia, June 2012. CCDCOE
- Sebastian Zug, André Dietrich, Marc Schappeit, Christoph Steup, and Jörg Kaiser
- Flexible Daten-Akquisition & Interpretation für verteilte Sensor-Aktor-Systeme im Produktionsumfeld
- In Forschung und Innovation: 10. Magdeburger Maschienen- bautage, Magdeburg, Germany, 2011
- Sebastian Zug, Christoph Steup, André Dietrich, and K. Brezhnyev
- Design and implementation of a small size robot localization system
- In In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE), pages 25–30. IEEE, 2011
- Christoph Steup, Michael Schulze, and Jörg Kaiser
- Exploiting Template-Metaprogramming for Highly Adaptable Device Drivers a Case Study on CANARY an AVR CAN-Driver
- In Proceedings of 12th Brazilian Workshop on Real-Time and Embedded Systems (WTR), Gramado, Brazil, 2010. Brazilian Computer Society
Ongoing Projects
- ZIM: Aim-FarmRob - Aimess Intelligenter Farm Roboter
- AULA-KI - Adaptive Umgebungsabhängige Lokalisierung von autonomen Fahrzeu-gen durch Methoden der künstlichen Intelligenz
- FINken - Swarm of Autonomous Quadcopters
- Rolling Swarm
- WSAM++
- DFG - WSAM: Wide Synthetic Aperture Sampling for Motion Classification
- CIcker - Autonomous Game AI Evaluation System
Finished Projects
- ReAdopt - ROS-enabled autonomous driving for passenger transportation
- DORIOT - Dynamic Runtime for Organically (dis)-aggregating IoT-Processes
- KARYON - Kernel-Based ARchitecture for safetY-critical cONtrol
- ViERForES - Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität für höchste Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit von Eingebetteten Systemen
Lectures and Seminars
- Tutorials for the lecture Computational Intelligence in Games, Summer 2020
- Lecture: Introduction to Software Engineering for Engineers, Summer 2020
- Lecture: Programminerung für Data Science at University of Applied Science Anhalt, Winter 2019/20
- Lecture: Machine Learning at University of Applied Science Anhalt, Winter 2019/20
- Lecture: Künstliche Intelligenz at University of Applied Science Anhalt, Winter 2019/20
- Lecture: Machinelles Lernen at University of Applied Science Anhalt, Summer 2019
- Lecture: Künstliche Intelligenzat University of Applied Science Anhalt, Summer 2019
- Lecture: Schwarmintelligenz at University of Applied Science Anhalt, Summer 2019
- Tutorials for the lecture Intelligente Systeme, Winter 2018/19 / Winter 21/22
- Seminar Computational Intelligence in Multi-Agent Systems, Summer 2018
- Tutorials for the lecture Intelligente Systeme, Winter 2017/18
- Multiple Software/Team-Projects in the years 2013 - 2022
- Multiple Digital Engineering Projects in the years 2015 - 2022
- Individual Projects with Students
Supervised and Advised Bachelor/Master Thesis
- Julia Reuter
- Genetic Programming-Based Inverse Kinematics for Robotic Manipulators
- Master Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup and Heiner Zille
- July 2021
- Marcel Öfele
- A Hybrid Product Cost Estimation Approach Based on Outlier Removal and Machine Learning
- Master Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- January 2021
- Maximilian Grau
- Tim Wiesner
- Bachelor Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- October 2020
- Vanessa Bahro
- Entwicklung eines lasertrackergestützten Prototypen zur automatisierten Positionierung
- Bachelor Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim and Christoph Steup
- January 2021
- Hoang Tony Nguyen
- Effects of Repulsion Based Concepts on Performance of PSO in Multimodal Search Space
- Bachelor Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup, Heiner Zille
- August 2020
- Carl Sternmann-Lücke
- Master Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- August 2020
- Martin Wieczorek
- Evolutionary Algorithm for Parameter Optimization of Context Steering Agents
- Master Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- July 2020
- Lars Wagner
- Introduction of an EA and Fuzzy Approach to Solve a Task-allocation Problem
- Bachelor Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- June 2020
- Christian Wustrau
- Building a scalable swarm application using sphero robots
- Bachelor Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- May 2020
- Stephan Dörfler
- Collective Mapping and Movement in a Swarm of Unreliable Individuals in Unknown Environments
- Master Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- October 2019
- Agha Ali Haider Qizilbash
- Ant Colony Optimization based Planner for Combined Task Allocation and Path Finding of Multiple Robots
- Master Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- September 2019
- Simon Parlow
- Entwicklung eines missionsbasierten Energiemodells für generische Quadcopter
- Master Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- July 2019
- Fabian Richardt
- Building a software-in-the-loop simulation environment for a RoboCup@Work team
- Bachelor Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- July 2019
- Adrian Köring
- Additional Algorithmically-Labeled Data for Training of Real-Time Convolutional Neural Networks for Semantic Image Segmentation
- Bachelor Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- March 2019
- Markus Hempel
- Programming and Evaluation of an Ultra-Wideband Distance Measurement System for Mobile Robots
- Bachelor Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup and Sebastian Mai
- February 2019
- Lukas Hoyer
- Bachelor Thesis, OVGU
- A Robot Localization Framework Using CNNs for Object Detection and Pose Estimation
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- January 2019
- Sebastian Mai
- Simultaneous Localisation and Optimisation Towards Swarm Intelligence in Robots
- Master Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- September 2018
- Robby Henkelmann
- A Deep Learning based Approach for Automotive Spare Part Demand Forecasting
- Master Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup, Heiner Zille
- June 2018
- Lukas Mäurer
Integration of Communication Models into the Simulation of an Autonomous UAV Swarm
- Master Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- April 2018
- Simone Bexten
- Learning the Motion Uncertainty of Spherical Robots in Different Environments
- Master Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- July 2017
- Sebastian Mai
- Wireless Ranging in Swarm Robotics
- Bachelor Thesis, OVGU
- Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- February 2017
- Andrei Stein
- Multikriteriell optimiertes Contex Steering für autonome Bewegung im Gebiet der Schwarmrobotik
- Master Thesis, OVGU
- Supervisor: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- August 2016
- Simon Parlow
- Evaluation verschiedener robuster Lokalisierungsalgorithmen mit einem virtuellen Phasendifferenz-Distanzsensor
- Bachelor Thesis, OVGU
- Supervisor: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- July 2016
- Anni Heckert
- Entwicklung eines dynamischen Modells und Parameterschätzung für den FINken 3 Quadkopter
- Bachelor Thesis, OVGU
- Co-Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim and Achim Kienle
- Advisor: Christoph Steup and Carsten Seidel
- April 2016
- Lukas Mäurer and Vladimir Velinov
- Mixed-reality Simulation of Quadcopter-Swarms
- Digital Engineering Project
- Supervisor: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- March 2016
- David Bodnar
- Analysis of Extended Movement Models for Autonomous Quadrocopters
- Digital Engineering Project
- Supervisor: Sanaz Mostaghim
- Advisor: Christoph Steup
- February 2016
- Christoph Dietrich Pahlke
- Entwurf und Stabilitätsanalyse der Höhenregelung und Wandvermeidung des FINken II Quadkopters
- Bachelor Thesis, OVGU
- Co-Supervision: Sanaz Mostaghim and Achim Kienle
- Advisor: Christoph Steup and Carsten Seidel
- November 2015
RoboCup @Work
The RoboCup is an annual multi-competition combining different robotic challenges in the form of leagues. The RoboCup @Work league is focused on industrial processes as envisioned for Industry 4.0 scenarios like autonomous path planning and movement of mobile platforms, as well as object detection and manipulation. Additionally, the competition enforces the teams to handle risks and optimize their robots for speed.
The RoboCup @Work Team of the OvGU is called "robOTTO". The team exists since 2012, but switched from the RoboCup Logistics League to the RoboCup @Work League in 2015. Since then, the team competed very successfully in the competition, finishing as Vice-Wold Champion twice (2017 and 2019) and also winning the Arbitrary Surface Challenge in 2018. In the virtual WorldCup in 2021 the team achieved the 3rd place.
The team is led by Christoph Steup and Martin Seidel and is composed of students, alumni and employees of the Faculty of Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering of the OvGU.
Carolo Cup
The CaroloCup is an annual competition organized by the TU Braunschweig. The goal of the competition is to develop, build and test autonomous vehicles in 1:10 scale. The cup is a pure student competition and divided in a basic and a master cup.
The CaroloCup team of OvGU is called "oTToCAR" and competes in the competition since 2014. The team achieved 2nd place in their first year in the Junior Cup. In the following years the team was also successful with multiple 4th places in the basic cup. Currently, the team is led by Michael Albrecht and Sören Meißner and supervised by Christoph Steup.
- Member of IEEE
- Member of IEEE – Computational Intelligence Society
- Member of IEEE – Robotics and Automation Society
- Member of ACM
- Member of RoboCup @Work – Executive Committee
- Member of RoboCup Regional Committee Germany
- Reviewer for MDPI Drones Journal
- Reviewer for MDPI Sensors Journal
- Reviewer for MDPI Mathematics Journal
- Reviewer for MDPI Agriculture Journal
- Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (TEVC)
- Reviewer for IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ)
- Reviewer for IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)
- Reviewer for IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
- Reviewer for IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
- Reviewer for IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI)
- Organisation of RoboCup @Work German Open 2022