SS 2018
Summer 2018
- Course: Neuronale Netze
- Time and Location: Donnerstags, 11-13 Uhr, G29-307
- Lecturer: Prof. R. Kruse
- Course: Computational Intelligence in Games
- Time and Location: Donnerstags, 09-11 Uhr, G29-307
- Lecturer: Alexander Dockhorn
- Seminar: Computational Intelligence in Multi-Agenten Systemen (Bachelorseminar)
- Time and Location: Tuesdays, 13:15 - 14:45, G29-336 (starting April 10th)
- Lecturer: Christoph Steup and Heiner Zille
- Seminar: Computational Intelligence in Multi-Agent Systems (Masterseminar)
- Time and Location: Tuesdays, 15:15 - 16:45, G29-336 (starting April 10th)
- Lecturer: Christoph Steup and Heiner Zille
- Team Project : Rolling Swarm - for bachelor students
- Time and location: TBA, SwarmLab (G29 - 035)
- Lecturer: C. Steup, M. Preuss
- Digital Engineering Project: Flying Swarm
- Time and location: TBA, SwarmLab (G29 - 035)
- Lecturer: C. Steup
- Team Project: Flying Swarm - for bachelor and master students
- Time and location: TBA, SwarmLab (G29 - 035)
- Lecturer: C. Steup
- Team Project: robOTTO - for bachelor and master students
- Time and location: TBA, SwarmLab (G29 - 035)
- Lecturer: C. Steup
- Bachelor/Master-Kolloquium (Bastelstunde)
- Time and Location: tbd, SwarmLab (G29-035)
- Lecturer: S. Mostaghim, H. Zille, C. Steup