Softwareprojekt RoboCup SS 2015
picture from RoboCup13
Software and Team Project RoboCup
For bachelor and master students
Time and location: G29 - 035
First Meeting: 15.04.2015 15:00
Lecturers: Christoph Steup and Sanaz Mostaghim
together with Prof. Dr. Sebsatian Zug (Computer Science), Prof. Dr. Lüder (Mechanical Engineering) and Prof. Dr. Stephan Schmidt (Mechanical Engineering)
The team project will be provided for Master- and Bachelor-Students. The tasks will be adapted based on the individual preferences and skills of the participating students.
To give interested students some insight into possible tasks we provide some exemplary tasks in the following:
- Simulation of Robotino Roboters in an Logistic League Environment. The Logistics League changed their reference platform from Robotino 2 to Robotino 3. To evaluate the compatibility and performance of the new platform, it shall be evaluated using the simulation environment provided by the Logistics League. However, the simulation was not yet used. Therefore, the simulation itself needs to be evaluated regarding performance and robustness too. As a final result the new platform shall be able to ineract fully with the simulated environment using as much software from the old platform as possible.
- Solving the Orientation Task of the @Work League on a KUKA YouBot. This tasks aims to provide a KUKA YouBot with the ability to navigate in the the environment of the @work League. To achieve this, the robot needs a camera system detecting QR-Tags. The Tags provide landmarks establishing a path. The main goal of this task is to enable the robot to robustly detect the QR-Tags, create a path and follow it autonomously. The task may either be solved in simulation or on a real robot.
- Winning a Match against a Reference Soccer Team in the 2D Simulation of the Soccer League. Parallel to the well-known mid-size soccer league, the robocup also provides a 2D simulation league. The aim of this task is to prepare a simulated possibly simple soccer team. The simulated team shall evaluate the existing simulation framework and its possibilities to prepare insights for future soccer teams. As a final result the simulated team shall win against a pre-defined reference team in the simulation.
Further tasks are available on demand and we are happy to discuss any ideas students have regarding additional tasks.
- 15.04.15: Kickoff
- Solving the Orientation Task of the @Work League on a KUKA YouBot
- Winning a Match against a Reference Soccer Team in the 2D Simulation of the Soccer League
- Henri Hamann
- Anne Reich
- Chris Taggeselle